About Juniper & Bone

Hi! Iā€™m Julia, perpetually curious creator of nature-inspired art and craft.

I started Juniper and Bone in 2018 when I fell in love with making jewelry and other objects from the natural materials I found on my daily walks.

I work in a variety of media, from the ultra-analog (homemade ink and handspun thread from foraged plants) to the uber-digital (AI-assisted creation and design), and somewhere in-between (jewelry featuring bones, insects, plants, and feathers).

Whether I'm making ink from foraged berries or drawing on a tablet, the common link is an appreciation of and enchantment with the natural world.

I live in Lawrence, KS, and draw much of my inspiration from my local environment ā€” particularly the critters at the nature center where I volunteer. I love relating to the natural world by turning bits of it into art. My intent is to showcase the unique beauty of each specimen by displaying it in a new and unexpected context.

Most of my natural specimens are personally collected. They are cruelty-free, meaning they weren't killed for the purpose of art-making. Some of my material is found in the wild and some is gathered during my volunteer sessions at Prairie Park Nature Center here in Lawrence.