Specimen Symbolism Guide

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Curious about the symbolism behind your new jewelry piece? Each incorporated specimen, from stones to plants to animals, carries a special meaning with it.

I encourage you to develop your own relationship with your piece and see what it has to share with you. The associations you already have with these beings are deeper and richer than anything you could read on a website, but here are a few suggestions to get you thinking.


Armadillo embodies personal protection, discrimination, and empathy. It teaches you how to protect yourself and when to let your defenses down. Its claws are excellent for digging, reflecting an ability to dig through the surface of things to see what is beneath. They have an ability to protect without causing undue harm to others. (paraphrased from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews)

Bees are rich in symbolism, representing sweetness, abundance, hard work, cooperation, and fertility. Without them, no flowers would bloom. Their honey brings sweetness to our lives. They are a symbol of accomplishing the impossible: for many years, scientists couldn’t figure out how they were able to fly, as their bodies seem too heavy for their wings. (paraphrased from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews)

Butterflies represent transmutation and joy. Their metamorphosis echoes our own transformational experiences. Their fluttering movements remind us to move lightly and joyfully through life. Butterfly will help teach you that growth and change does not have to be traumatic…it can occur as gently, as sweetly, and as joyfully as we wish. (paraphrased from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews)

Cicadas spend much of their life underground. They herald the beginning of summer with their loud and distinctive buzz. The cicada also sheds its shell in the course of its life, symbolizing personal transformation. Cicadas are a powerful reminder to come out of hiding, to use your voice, and to shed old outdated versions of yourself.

Macaws were seen by many indigenous tribes as a symbol of fire and the sun, thanks to their brilliant plumage. Their ability to mimic human speech also makes them symbols of communication. All my feathers are generously donated by Tino, the resident scarlet macaw at the Prairie Park Nature Center in Lawrence, KS.

Tino has a loud voice to match her plumage. She has excellent boundaries and isn’t shy about enforcing them with a nip, but she always has a friendly “hello” for people who treat her with respect. Let this piece be a reminder to take your cue from Tino – don’t tone down your brightness or be afraid to speak your mind!

Snakes represent rebirth, resurrection, initiation, and wisdom. They are a symbol of transformation and healing. Because it sheds its skin, the snake has long been a symbol of death and rebirth. Look for a change in conditions and a movement to new life. When snake comes into your life you can look for a rebirth into new powers of creativity and wisdom. (paraphrased from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews)


Juniper has a history of symbolism in both Old and New World cultures that includes protection, love, and health. Some cultures burned it as a purifying incense to keep away evil.

Lichen is a composite organism made up of algae, cyanobacteria, and fungi existing symbiotically in a miniature ecosystem. It can grow on almost any surface (6% of the Earth’s surface is covered with lichen) and can be extremely long-lived. As such, lichen embodies the energy of cooperation, interdependence, hardiness, resilience, adaptability, and longevity.

Maple has a rich history in many different cultures. Depending on the culture, it may be associated with strength, endurance, protection, tolerance, honor, love, wealth, or longevity. Some Native American tribes consider it the tree of offering, generosity, balance, promise and practicality.

The Protection Herb Charm contains 19 ingredients traditionally associated with protection, health, wealth, love, luck, and happiness. Wear or keep it anywhere you want to bring protection and good vibes. Ingredients: garlic, onion, orange peel, black pepper, red pepper, parsley, lemon oil, thyme, oregano, marjoram, basil, rosemary, sage, anise, dill, cloves, bay leaves, salt, and eggshell.

Queen Anne’s Lace symbolizes protection and sanctuary, alluded to by its nest-like clusters of flowers.

Stones and Minerals

Sea glass is created when glass fragments are smoothed and shaped by the endless friction of sand and salt water. Over time, these formerly sharp and glossy shards become smooth and rounded with a velvety matte finish. Sea glass is a good reminder that weathering life’s friction and turbulence leads to its own kind of beauty.